Having finished the last of the (frozen) loaves I made a week ago.. we're now craving more fresh bread! I decided to try a different combination of flours and opted for Shipton Mill "Three Malts and Sunflower" brown flour (785g) plus a small amount of wholemeal to make up the 1kg. I also added 2 handfuls of mixed seeds (pumpkin, sunflower and sesame). Again, using dried "fast action" yeast. One slight difference this time is that I used the two-stage mixing method, mixing flour and water together, and letting it sit for 1hr, before adding the salt and yeast. I liked this method. The dough did feel easier to "work" - as the book said it would!! Kitchen warmer than last week, I think (although the lack of a room thermometer means that this is not scientific!). Dough risen in bowl on top of the oven (oven not on), under cling film. I have purchased an oven thermometer, since last time, and found that my oven is HOT! Got it up to 270deg C for the first 10mins, but then struggled to reduce the temp - accounting for the "well-fired" crust on last weeks loaves. Despite turning the temp down to (what should have been) 140deg C, after the initial oven rise period of 10mins, the temperature in the actual oven didn't get below 200deg C. I used foil to cover the loaves (as I had done last week) for the final 30mins, but they still came out rather brown.
All things coinsidered, I am pleased with the results.. yet to try it, but it looks yum!
Malted and seeded loaf |
... and it was really really nice.. malty and tasty, and the seeds gave it a bit more texture. I would happily call this my first "perfect loaf"! Not bad for a second attempt!!!!